Meet Mahtab Ahmed Panhwar


Since 2018 is Mahtab registered as Civil Engineer recognized by Pakistan Engineering Council and he is currently working in the Ministry of Water Resources as a hydrologist.

Mahtab has over 5 years industry/academic experience in teaching, research, consultancy and supervising wide range of Civil Engineering projects. These projects are mainly GIS-based Hydrology and Hydraulic modeling, Water supply systems, Geospatial data modeling, Satellite image processing and teaching relevant courses and software in Pakistan.

So far, he has  led more than five national and two international workshops on the use of GIS/RS in civil and environmental engineering applications. In addition, he has conducted numerous consulting assignments involving flood modelling, groundwater modelling, and natural hazards assessment.

What is your personal Gamechanger to the water sector and sustainable development?

Most efficient irrigation system to get water save and great crop yield.

Why did you join the UN2023 Gamechanger as jury?

I want to explore different experience and ideas from the world and learn from different teams in water sector.