Most frequent questions and answers
We are very sorry but we have to stick with the requirements. This challenge is focussing on students and we want to protect the students with experienced high levels in the field to guarantee a fair challenge
 Unfortunately not. Again, we want to guarantee a fair challenge for every students so we have to stick to the rules. However you can become coach of the team! Help develop your team in their innovation proces. Find out more on this page! https://www.un2023gamechangerchallenge.com/join-coach/
This Chalelnge is focussing on idea development and your creativity. You will be judged by the jury on the degree of feasability. We don’t ask you to excecute and invest in the idea yourself. We will support the top 5 ideas to connect them with investors. However we support all the participating teams to find fundings to implement their idea.
No, there are no llimitations! The world can use every innovative idea to tackle the global water challenges!
We believe a team of at least 2 people is capable to achieve more than just competing by yourself. A team consisting of more people is able to critisize eachother resulting in a better final idea.
You and your team members can represent different knowledge institutions or even different nationalities!
If you are a teacher in primary school, please connect with a student from a university and aks them to apply for the challenge! It is a requirement for them to provide at least one guest lecture to a local community. This could be your primary school! The students will give you a guest lecture about the SDG’s but also ask your kids to help develop an idea related to the global water challenge!